When I was first told about the creation of an individual project and not only the major project that we at Create Caribbean are working on, I was rather nervous and apprehensive as to what I would compose my project about. After weeks of classes and working on both finding and cleaning data for the main project, inspiration struck me. This occurred when I was editing a column in the google sheet that required the language in which the novel was published in. This was when I came across the book titled, “Everything Everything” by Mrs Nicola Yoon. I have been absolutely obsessed with the movie inspired by the book of the same name. I was rather ecstatic to find out that Mrs. Yoon grew up in both Jamaica and Brooklyn. I promptly dove into researching her work and quickly found out that she was the first black woman to hit #1 on the New York Times Young Adult bestseller list. This was the final little push that I needed to fully consider making my individual project about her like, work and achievements.

I then had to ask myself what the objectives of my project would be, what I was trying to share with my audience. Several ideas flew around my head, however most of them felt incomplete. I made the decision that I would create a timeline of the different books that Mrs. Yoon wrote with the use of Omeka and Twine. In the timeline on Omeka, I would include the different editions of her published work along with some information including the author, translators, date and place of publication, edition, language, genre that the book falls into, ISBN code and a link for online reading and purchasing of the book if possible. With the use of Twine, I plan on making a semi-linear, customizable narrative piece that uses text, videos, audios and images that engage the viewer. On Twine, the project will focus more so on Mrs. Yoon as a person and her accomplishments as well as random facts about her. I will also discuss her published work and the themes that they portray and how they have influenced the audience that they are directed towards. The link to the Omeka timeline will be on a page among the first few displayed. Allowing the viewer to view the different works of Mrs. Yoon without the project feeling disjointed. This project will most likely take on the form of a combination of A Longform, Media-Rich Narrative project and a Gallery of Primary Sources project.