Annotated Bibliography
Documentation of the works of Nicola Yoon: Annotated Bibliography.
Yoon, N. (n.d). Nicola Yoon. Nicola Yoon. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from This is the official website of Nicola Yoon, this houses the different books she has written, movies her books have inspired, a short biography of her life and her accomplishments to state a few. This site also introduced me to Joy Revolution Imprint which is a project created by Mrs Nicola Yoon and her husband David Yoon. Joy Revolution Imprint publishes books written by and for people of colour as a way to tell their stories. The information that I found on this site will be used in one of the Twine pages of my project. The Twine page will house a biography of Mrs Yoon and her accomplishments.
Everything, Everything (Yoon) - Author Bio. LitLovers. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from,she%20majored%20in%20electrical%20engineering. On this webpage, I found a more in-depth version of information about the author’s prior schooling. This information is important as I can better communicate where the author spent the duration of her time as a student. This information will be used to populate the biography section of my project.
Editions: Instructions for Dancing. Good Reads. Retrieved March 3, 2022, with On Good Reads, I found every publication of the books written by Mrs Yoon. Here is the page which presents the different editions of the book, “Instructions for Dancing‘. I found pages like this for every book that she has written. I am only referencing one due to repetition, however, I will be providing links to similar pages in which I found useful information. The data on this page states the editions, publication dates and languages in which the book was published. This data is integral to creating a timeline of the works of Mrs Yoon.
CBS Mornings. (June 5, 2021) Author Nicola Yoon discusses new novel “Instructions for Dancing” and following her passions Retrieved March 3, 2022, from This video allowed me to take a look into the reasons why Mrs Yoon writes. Before her daughter’s birth, she worked in the field of finance which she did not enjoy. Subsequently, she took up writing as a way to follow her passion and lead by example for her daughter. Thus, proving to not only her daughter but herself that one can be happy and successful when accomplishing their dreams. The information portrayed in this video will be used in the biography area of my project as it gives a feel as to what kind of author Mrs Yoon is.
Nicola Yoon: Quotes. Good Reads. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from This page displays a vast number of quotes from the different books of Mrs Yoon. The quotes range from humorous dialogue to motivational and heartfelt pieces of advice found in the books. In my project, I hope to dedicate an entire page to readers’ favourite quotes in Mrs Yoon’s books. I hope to add a few of my own favourite quotes after reading the books myself.